I don’t normally make blog posts for new releases of Trowl, but I’m making an exception this time.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who has used and contributed to Trowl. This is by no means a large project, but I’m still surprised by how many others like it, and use the program on a daily basis. I’m really happy that something I find useful is also useful to others! I’m incredibly appreciative of all the feedback I’ve received, especially to those of you who have helped me track down and fix bugs in the past. Trowl would not be where it is now without your support!
Second, I want to announce version 0.5. This version does not add much. As the changelog says:
* Adds support for oAuth. Trowl no longer accepts username and password for logging into Twitter. oAuth is the preferred, secure way of authenticating your account, and I’ve tried to make it as painless as possible. Any feedback is welcome!
* Twitter is changing the API for retrieving the list of friends at the end of October, so I’ve implemented that change now. Let me know if you have any problems seeing your friends list on the Settings screen.
Switching to oAuth is a relatively big change in the code, but luckily I’ve known that I wanted to do this for a while, so I was able to prepare for most of the impact in the 0.4.x versions.
While you shouldn’t see any difference in how Trowl works once you’ve authenticated your account, it will allow me to get to work quickly on the first new feature after 0.5: multiple accounts! I know several of you have asked for this, so it is now my top priority.
Thank you for your patience, and thank you again for continuing to use Trowl. :o) Remember that you can suggest new features or report bugs at any time at the Google Group.
Congrats! is there any reason to update the dev version?
Thanks! This release might be a little faster since the logging is turned off. It also has the API change, which the dev version didn’t have.